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Welcome to Beyond The Scenes Community Effort, an extraordinary 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that exists to empower and uplift the amazing residents of Georgia. We believe in the transformative power of community engagement, and through our innovative services, we are cultivating a movement of positive change that resonates far beyond our own borders.

At Beyond The Scenes, we are more than just a nonprofit organization - we are a beacon of hope, a catalyst for personal growth, and a source of inspiration for individuals seeking support, guidance, and creative exploration. Through our comprehensive range of programs and initiatives, we are steadfastly committed to enhancing emotional well-being, nurturing personal development, and fostering a sense of unity and belonging within our communities.

Our dedication to service is at the core of everything we do. We meet the needs of our community through compassionate support groups, life-changing coaching and therapy sessions, and innovative art and creative programs that spark boundless imagination. We're not afraid to think outside the box and embrace exciting new approaches to learning, engagement, and civic participation. Together, we create a harmonious tapestry of interconnectedness that elevates us all.

But we don't stop there. We understand that true impact requires collaboration and partnership. That's why we actively seek out opportunities to engage with businesses, organizations, and residents alike. By connecting, coordinating, and inspiring, we are building an expansive network that transcends geographic boundaries and has the potential to make a lasting global impact.

Our mission is ambitious, yet deeply rooted in compassion and humility. We strive to empower Georgia residents to take proactive steps toward the betterment of their communities. With your support as participants, donors, and sponsors, we can create an environment that encourages cooperation, integration, and mutual understanding. Together, we will develop and implement purposeful programs that address the societal needs of our communities, creating a brighter, more promising tomorrow.

Join us on this exhilarating journey of transformation. Together, we can ignite the spark of change within all Georgia residents, fostering stronger communities, supporting emotional and mental well-being, and unlocking the limitless potential that lies within each and every one of us. Let's paint a brighter future, one brushstroke at a time.

Some of the programs that we offer are as follows:


Loss of Child(ren) Support Group

Welcome to Angel Of Mine, a sanctuary of healing and support dedicated to Mothers who have experienced the unimaginable loss of a child. We understand that the pain you carry is profound and that navigating through the complex emotions that follow such a loss can be an overwhelming journey.

At Angel Of Mine, we offer you solace, understanding, and guidance as you navigate this deeply personal path of grief and healing. Our aim is to create a judgment-free zone where you can find comfort, process your emotions, and gradually reintegrate into daily life at your own pace, knowing that you are never alone.

Loss can trigger a wide range of emotions, from anger and sadness to confusion and guilt. It can have physical manifestations too, such as trouble sleeping, difficulty concentrating, loss of appetite, and constant crying. Many mothers have said they no longer see a purpose in living if their child doesn't have a chance to live. We acknowledge the natural, understandable, and relatable nature of these emotions and provide a safe space for you to process them in a healthy and nurturing environment.

Angel Of Mine offers a comprehensive range of services designed specifically to address the unique needs of mothers who have experienced such a profound loss. Our support groups, skillfully facilitated by trained and caring staff and volunteers, provide you with a community of individuals who understand your pain firsthand. Together, we share stories, lend a compassionate ear, and offer hope as we walk this healing journey together.

In addition to our support groups, we offer individual, couple, and family counseling sessions that are tailored to your specific needs. Our skilled therapists are here to listen, guide, and empower you as you learn to navigate life's new normal. We believe that healing is a multi-faceted process, and our workshops and counseling sessions are designed to provide you with the tools and strategies necessary for your emotional and mental well-being.

As part of our commitment to holistic healing, we also provide suggestions for reading materials and referrals to other community resources, ensuring that you have access to valuable information and support networks. Furthermore, we offer grief support to schools, businesses, and communities that are experiencing loss, fostering a culture of empathy and understanding in the wider world.

To empower our community, we provide bereavement education and training for those who wish to learn how to support others who are going through similar experiences. By equipping individuals with the knowledge and tools to offer effective support, we extend the healing impact of Angel Of Mine far beyond our immediate reach.

Please stay connected with us through our quarterly newsletter. This publication not only offers valuable insights and resources but also serves as a reminder that you are part of a caring and compassionate community of mothers who have experienced this profound loss.

Let us walk alongside you on this sacred journey of healing. By offering a nurturing environment where you can honor your child's memory, process your emotions, and find your inner strength, we believe in empowering you to forge a future filled with hope, strength, and the eternal love you hold for your angel. Remember, together we can heal, one step at a time.


Creative Arts Workshop for Foster Children

Welcome to Love Creates, a program dedicated to nurturing and empowering children and teens in foster care. We understand that foster care, designed as a temporary solution, often becomes an extended journey for these young individuals when the possibility of safe family reunification fades away. At Love Creates, we recognize the importance of offering stability and support in a system that can oftentimes be unstable and traumatic.

Our approach is unique and enlightening. We believe in harnessing the power of art and creativity to provide a safe space for these remarkable young minds to express themselves. Through a wide range of artistic endeavors, such as creative writing, poetry, singing/songwriting, musicianship, painting, dancing, acting, and so much more, we empower them to communicate their thoughts, emotions, and stories in a way that is authentic and genuine.

Rather than dictating their feelings or suppressing their voices, Love Creates provides an environment where they can explore their vulnerability, embrace their truth, and discover their unique narrative through the lens of art. This allows them to find healthier and more positive ways of expression, in contrast to the anger, rage, and resentment that society may have expected from them.

By fostering a love for creativity, we instill self-love, a love for life, and a love of expression in these incredible individuals. Through our programs, we teach them the power of art to bring hope and healing, helping them build stable mental and emotional health, and equipping them with essential communication skills.

But Love Creates is more than just a program - it's a beacon of hope for a brighter future, no matter what challenges lie in the past. We invite you to join us in this journey of transformation. Whether you're a potential participant, donor, or sponsor, your support contributes directly to the lives of these young artists, nurturing their talents, fostering resilience, and paving the way for a future filled with love, hope, and endless possibilities.

Together, let's create a world where every child and teen in foster care can thrive and shine through the transformative power of art. Experience the magic of Love Creates today.


Infertility Support Group

Welcome to A Mother's Heart, the compassionate haven for women facing the challenges of infertility. We understand that this journey can often feel isolating, leaving you to navigate complex emotions and personal struggles on your own. It's natural to find it difficult to open up to friends and family who may not comprehend the depth of what you're going through.

That's where A Mother's Heart comes in – a sanctuary of understanding, support, and connection. Joining our infertility support group is a transformative step toward coping with infertility and finding solace in a community that truly comprehends your experience.

Within our nurturing circle, you'll discover an array of benefits that will help you navigate this complex journey with strength and resilience:

Emotional Support: Engage in heartfelt conversations with women who have walked the path you're on. Connect with kindred spirits who understand the intricacies of infertility firsthand. Online resources can only offer so much; in-person support groups provide the personal connection you crave.

Insights from Others: Our support groups unite women from diverse backgrounds, doctors, and treatment methods. Listen to a multitude of stories that will expand your knowledge and empower you with newfound information. In this safe space, you can compare experiences, explore different care providers and fertility clinics, and uncover questions you may not have considered asking your doctor.

Fertility Education: A Mother's Heart invites knowledgeable speakers to address various infertility-related topics. Through education, you can take control and make informed decisions, reclaiming your power and embracing the possibilities that lie ahead.

Tips and Tricks: Fertility treatments often come with intricacies that only those who have experienced them can understand. Gain invaluable insights from others who have seamlessly managed the delicate balancing act of treatments and their daily routines. Discover practical advice and strategies that will help you navigate this intricate landscape.

Mutual Empowerment: Every woman in A Mother's Heart has a unique story to share. By sharing your own journey, you have the power to uplift and inspire others, offering a glimmer of hope and renewed strength. The simple act of helping someone else can have profound effects on your own spirit.

At A Mother's Heart, we offer two types of support groups to cater to your needs:

Licensed Therapist-led: These weekly sessions span a comprehensive 12 weeks, focusing on various topics each week. Led by trained professionals, these groups delve deep into the emotional and psychological aspects of your journey. Some sessions may require a nominal fee to cover the experts' invaluable guidance.

Peer Networking Groups: Meet with women who have personal experience with infertility and understand its mental and emotional effects. Led by empathetic facilitators, these bi-weekly sessions provide a space for open dialogue and shared experiences.

Our infertility women's group covers an extensive range of topics, including stress reduction, self-care, anger, depression, navigating relationships with family and friends, exploring medical options, third-party reproduction, adoption, embracing a child-free life, and many more. Each topic is thoughtfully selected to address the intricate layers of this transformative journey.

Beyond the structured group sessions, we actively encourage tribe-building among our beloved community. We foster a spirit of sisterhood, encouraging women to connect outside of A Mother's Heart to deepen their support network, forge lifelong friendships, and create lasting bonds.

A Mother's Heart relies on the passion and dedication of our volunteers to make these support groups possible. With your participation, donation, or sponsorship, you directly impact the lives of women navigating the challenges of infertility. Together, we can transform this journey into a source of wisdom, resilience, and hope.

Embark on this empowering path with us at A Mother's Heart. Discover the strength of community, the transformative power of shared experiences, and the unwavering support you truly deserve. Let us guide you toward healing, hope, and a future where dreams can thrive.


As the visionary and founder of a transformative nonprofit organization, we are on a mission to empower today's youth to thrive in an ever-evolving world. Introducing The Next Level, a groundbreaking program designed to equip adolescents with the vital skills, education, and supportive networks necessary to embrace adulthood with confidence and excel in our complex, multicultural society.

We understand that the challenges facing young individuals today can be overwhelming, which is why our program addresses four fundamental pillars of personal and social development. Let's delve into each category and explore the transformative impact it can have on the lives of our participants.

First and foremost, we recognize the importance of physical development. By instilling good health habits, honing risk management skills, and promoting overall well-being, we empower our youth to lead healthy, fulfilling lives. Through this holistic approach, individuals can take charge of their physical health, unlocking their full potential for growth and success.

Next, intellectual development takes center stage. We firmly believe that knowledge is the key to unlocking endless opportunities. Our program fosters essential life skills and vocational expertise, ensuring young minds are equipped with the tools needed to navigate the complexities of the modern world. By cultivating critical thinking, academic success, and a deep understanding of diverse cultures, we inspire our participants to become well-rounded, adaptable leaders.

Emotional and psychological development form another crucial aspect of our program. By promoting good mental health and empowering individuals with emotional self-regulation and coping skills, we build resilient young minds capable of weathering life's storms. Conflict resolution abilities and mastery motivation further support their personal growth, while instilling a sense of autonomy, responsibility, and a positive outlook on the future.

Last but certainly not least, we recognize the significance of social development. The bonds we form and the networks we cultivate shape our lives. Through fostering strong relationships with parents, peers, and respected adults, The Next Level helps youth thrive in a supportive social ecosystem. Our program instills a firm sense of belonging, integration into wider social networks, and attachment to institutions that further strengthen their civic engagement and cultural navigation skills.

At The Next Level, we firmly believe in the power of positive experiences and environments to shape a promising future. Our evidence-based approach ensures continued exposure to enriching opportunities that refine vital life skills. Importantly, we understand that personal and social development are not isolated concepts but deeply intertwined. Our dedicated team of experts diligently examines how these assets interact with social settings, empowering youth to flourish despite challenging circumstances.

Together, we can liberate young individuals from the adverse effects of negative life events, unsafe surroundings, and inadequate educational opportunities. The Next Level stands as a beacon of hope and the definitive solution to bridging the gap between youth potential and reality.

Join us in this transformative journey as a participant, donor, or sponsor, and together, let's unlock the boundless potential within each young person. Together, we can create a society where every adolescent thrives, embraces their role in this multicultural world, and becomes a beacon of positive change.

H.O.H.M.E. (Helping Open Hearted Minds Elevate)

Transitional Home for Returning Citizens

We are dedicated to embracing the potential within every returning citizen. Introducing H.O.H.M.E, a haven where love overflows and supportive rehabilitation paves the way for a seamless reintegration into society.

We understand that mistakes are part of the human journey, and our mission is to rewrite the narrative of those who have experienced incarceration. Sadly, many returning citizens face numerous challenges like anxiety, depression, insecurity, and even homelessness. Our community holds the key to their successful transition, and together, we can break the cycle of recidivism.

At H.O.H.M.E, our inspiration stems from that iconic line sung by Diana Ross in The Wiz: "When I think of home, I think of a place where there's LOVE OVERFLOWING..." Our facility embodies these words, where returning citizens experience the unwavering support they deserve as they embark on their path to healthy reacclimation.

Our commitment to total rehabilitation goes beyond providing housing and accountability. We focus on holistic personal growth, guided by expert coaches and counselors who offer tailored support. Through our comprehensive programs, we address emotional health, mental well-being, physical vitality, money management, time utilization, effective communication, job placement, family reunification, and the alignment of spirit and purpose. Each returning citizen is assigned weekly duties, creating a sense of ownership, responsibility, and stewardship within our supportive community. These duties not only foster a nurturing environment but also facilitate connections and friendships, forming accountability partnerships that empower every member to complete the program with excellence.

For far too long, returning citizens have been confined within cold, metal cages, deprived of their dignity and purpose. At H.O.H.M.E, we firmly believe it's time for change. Our program offers a sanctuary, a place they can proudly call home.

By joining forces with H.O.H.M.E, you become an instrumental part of a movement that uplifts, empowers, and restores lives. Together, we can ensure returning citizens regain their rightful place in the community, shattering barriers and rebuilding bridges. Whether you choose to participate, donate, or sponsor, your support becomes the catalyst for fresh beginnings, second chances, and the healing power of love.

Let's envision a future where every returning citizen walks the path of redemption, fulfilling their potential, and enriching our society with their unique talents and contributions. Welcome to H.O.H.M.E, where compassionate rehabilitation transforms lives and creates a more inclusive, compassionate world for all.

Join us in our efforts to change lives and communities by becoming a Valued Sponsor and/or Donor…

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Disclaimer: Beyond The Scenes Community Effort, Inc. is a Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 86-3518708. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. The Beyond The Scenes Community Effort, Inc IRS confirmation letter can be made available immediately upon request. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.

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