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Meet the multi-talented Dr. Bianca "Mz Bee" Lee...

...A powerhouse of positivity, creativity, and empowerment. With a diverse background as a former recording artist, cosmetologist and cosmetology instructor, salon owner, and now a certified Life & Purpose Coach, Sexual/Intimacy Coach, Entrepreneurial Coach, Spiritual Mentor, Purpose Alignment Coach, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, Dr. Bianca "Mz Bee" Lee is a force for transformation and inspiration.

As the founder of the nonprofit organization, Beyond The Scenes Community Efforts, Inc., Dr. Bee dedicates her time to serving communities across Georgia through support groups, coaching, therapy, art programs, and community events. Committed to making a positive impact, she channels her compassion and humility into meaningful public education, volunteer recruitment, media campaigns, and successful fundraising initiatives.

In addition to her nonprofit work, Dr. Bee co-founded Behind The Scenes Awards and Recognition, LLC., a platform that honors unsung heroes who contribute to the betterment of society behind the scenes. Originally hailing from Chicago, IL, Dr. Bee now calls Georgia home, where she continues to spread her powerful message of purpose, mentorship, and personal development on a global scale.

With a profound ability to connect with others and guide them toward their true purpose, she has touched countless lives through her mentorship, wisdom, and divine guidance. As an influential speaker and author of "Makeup With Yourself!", Dr. Bee shares her insights on unlocking one's potential in all aspects of life.

Through her remarkable journey, Dr. Bianca "Mz Bee" Lee exemplifies true leadership and fulfillment by helping individuals step into their power, manifest their goals, and align with their divine purpose. As she continues to inspire individuals worldwide, her mission remains clear: to empower others to live harmoniously and authentically, creating a legacy of positive transformation and empowerment in the lives of all she encounters.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapist

Public Speaker/Platform Influencer

Certified Master Life, Purpose, Business, and Intimacy Coach

Beauty by Mz Bee Salon Studios, LLC - Owner

Behind The Scenes Awards & Recognition, LLC (The BTS Awards) - Founder

Beyond The Scenes Community Effort, Inc. - Founder

BV Entertainment, LLC - CEO

EMC3 All Natural Infused Decadence - Owner

Dr. Bianca "Mz Bee" Lee


Lives Are Being Changed Every Day...

Dr. Bee has had the honor and privilege of counseling, mentoring, and/or guiding many lives across the globe, whether by a one-time encounter or with consistent sessions. Allow some of them to share with you how their lives have changed for the better as a result of having Dr. Bee as a Therapist, Spiritual Mother, Coach, Mentor, and Guide...


"All praise to the most high! All praise to Mz Bee for your humanitarian spirit and love for women's mental, physical, emotional health. You're the reason for so much growth in my journey..."


"Today, I had a loving spiritual session with Mz Bee. She is serious and attentive. She plays no games and shares in a brilliant way...Open and honest...and will give you what you are supposed to have. I feel so refreshed and happy. I have tears of joy! I am full and my mission has been clarified! I love you, Mz Bee! Thank you so much for our time together. Y'all better find out what your purpose is and walk in your truth!"


"Shoutout to the Goddess, Mz Bee. Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. Gratitude to the Goddess and her commitment to healing our 'sacred womb'. Tap in to schedule an appointment. You won't regret it!!"


"First of all, I just wanna thank the lovely boss lady Queen Mz Bee for reading me like a book that has never been read before. This reading has opened my eyes a ton; dropping jewel after jewel and game on top of game, mane! Booking this session has given me so much insight on my life and she was just the oracle that I needed to see frfr...and it wasn't a regular boring ole therapy session that you think it is. lol It's a complete life changer and was filled with laughter and care. So, if you ain't on ya 'A' game, she'll get you right in just and hour cause she gon' tell it like it is, ya dig? The BEST reading I've ever received by far. Thank you, Mama Bee."


"Hey Mama Bee! I came to you when something sudden and scary was unfolding before me and I knew I needed guidance or maybe some insight and reassurance. You answered my call and did a reading for me without hesitation and I couldn't be more grateful!!! Every single card you pulled, came with accuracy, advice, and forewarned me on how to proceed. Like a story unfolding, day after day, everything came together and made sense. You are blessed and highly favored by your spirit guides lol. I love the way you took the time to speak to me about my situation but also allowed to spirit to guide you during my reading. Thank you, again."


"Talking to you yesterday really brought me a lot of clarity on things and it helped cleanse me in a sense. I felt sad and down before and, immediately after, I feel like me old self when I was younger and care free. Finding true happiness in situations that are the greatest and it feels like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders today. Thank you."


"I received my reading on last Thursday. I needed to know some things spiritually from a different side and from a different level of understanding. My counselor, Mz Bee, gave me the privilege of being my guide. I needed to know direction, understanding and food for thought. My experience was amazing. Mz Bee opened up pathways for me to receive my knowledge in an open, honest and clear way. Her patience, honesty and ability to translate what she received for me was right on point. It was clear for me to see. Thank you for my reading and thank you for my clarity."

Razul (U.K.)

"Mz Bee employs a distinctive and efficient therapeutic approach that left a lasting impression on me after our initial session. The exploration conducted during the therapy session manifested in a dream, highlighting the depth of our discussions. Her professional yet soothing and playful demeanor creates a comfortable environment. Whether you identify as a mystic or spiritualist, possess psychic gifts, or seek support as a laborer, Mz Bee adeptly helps unveil talent and buried aspects. I wholeheartedly recommend her services."


"It's My Anniversary!!!! June 6, 2021, I tried to take my own life. No one knew. I still posted on social media and still reached out to customers. I went to the store, had a full face of makeup on, and dressed nice...But my heart...my mind...was dead. I thank God for my spiritual Mother, Mz Bee. She didn't birth me naturally but she birthed life back into me on that day and I'm so grateful. It has been a spiritual journey of ups and downs but I'm riding this wave called life to the end..."

Gee (U.K.)

"Words cannot express the gratitude I have for the AMAZING work and impact that Dr. Bee has had on my spiritual growth and outlook on life. While there were times that I hadn't been consistent in my sessions, Dr. Bianca was patient, understanding, and committed to her service to me. From working on self-love and healing my inner child to now clearing my chakras, her knowledge, soothing voice, and guidance have made me finally release the self-imposed shackles and begin to realize my true potential in life. A confidant, spiritual guide, and compassionate soul is what I have found in her, and I am eternally grateful for our paths crossing."


"Dr. Bee's compassionate approach, combined with her expertise as a Master Life & Purpose Coach, spiritual technician, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, has allowed me to break free from limiting beliefs and patterns. That held me back for far too long. Her unwavering support and gentle guidance have helped me unearth my true potential and step into a life filled with purpose and authenticity."


"Dr. Bee has been an absolute game changer in my life. Her guidance, wisdom, and nurturing presence have helped me navigate through the darkest corners of my mind and soul. With her support, I have discovered a strength within myself that I never knew existed. She has shown me that healing and growth are not only possible but also within my reach."


"I will forever be grateful for Dr. Bee's transformative work. She has given me the tools to cultivate self-love, find my inner voice, and create the life I desire. Dr. Bee, you are a gift to this world, and I cannot thank you enough for your dedication and genuine care. I now walk this journey with newfound confidence, inspiration, and a sense of purpose that surpasses anything I ever imagined possible. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."


"My experience with Dr. Bee has been nothing but marvelous. From setting up the initial appointment, she explained the process from beginning to end. During our sessions, she is attentive, and nonjudgmental, and has been helping me with understanding myself. She is also a positive person and each session begins and ends with a fresh start. One thing I love about Dr. Bee is that it doesn't feel like I'm talking to a stranger or robot, I feel heard and understood."


"Hey! I'm a new patient of Dr. Bee and I just wanted to say she's amazing in every way possible. I'm so glad God introduced us. She's been a great big help to me in my life. The tools she's given me have played a huge part in my life so for the new year. I can't wait to see what she has in store for the rest of the year!!! '...It starts with YOU, and when we're done, you won't need anything but YOU! I'm gonna get you to the finish line.' Dr. Bee said that!"


"I've only been working with Dr. Bianca for a few weeks but it has been incredible. She creates a space where I can feel comfortable enough to share experiences and helps me to face challenges and think differently and positively. So far, I find myself putting into practice the methods that she has introduced me to and trying to remain consistent in doing so. I love the way she encourages me and pushes me to think and do things differently. I am looking forward to growing even more as I continue to work with her."


"I am incredibly grateful for the support and guidance Dr. Bee has provided me on my journey to self-discovery and personal growth. As a black professional woman, navigating the complexities of business and relationships can be challenging, but Dr. Bee has been an invaluable ally every step of the way. She creates a safe and empowering space where I feel heard, understood, and supported. Through her expertise and compassion, she has helped me uncover deep-seated issues and develop new strategies to manage stress and overcome obstacles. Dr. Bee's commitment to my well-being and her insightful guidance have truly made a positive impact on my life. I highly recommend her to anyone seeking a skilled and empathetic therapist."


"My sessions with Dr. Bee have not only helped me gain an understanding of my habits and patterns but also given me the tools to break the bad habits and understand what is important. I feel capable of moving forward in my life during this very difficult time. I really enjoy our sessions. Dr. Bee made me feel like we really connected! I'm happy I got to meet her, and I can talk to her for hours."


"I have just started my journey with Dr. Bee this January. It has been a blessing already, and I am seeing some great growth in myself and facing the things that have held me in a stagnant place. Her approach is like talking to an old friend from whom you can't hide the truth. 

Dr. Bee is a mirror, and you see yourself healed and whole. In a space that you truly desire to get to. She is your guide to true self-help and self-love."


"If you're seeking inner guidance, healing, or someone to lift your spirits, connect with Dr. Bee!!! She is such an inspiration, very compassionate, and patient. She helps discover triggers, gives homework assignments, and is always on time. She's absolutely the most helpful person in my life right now; just be willing to do the work to align with your goals."


"Dr. Bee is WONDERFUL! She got me to a place other therapists couldn't reach. She is truly heaven-sent."


"Dr. Bee has made me feel very comfortable, and I've learned many tools to help me work through my struggles. I feel like I'm speaking to someone who truly cares. I liked the overall experience of talking about my emotions. I learned to better handle all of my thoughts and anxiety. I used to be afraid to talk to a therapist, but because of her, it's a walk in the park."

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